Wednesday, May 23, 2012

There Is Work Enough to Do, Ere the Sun Goes Down

"God has work for all his children, regardless of age or ability." 
                                                                           Amish proverb

 Training Day on Rovers - Elder & Sister Bagby,
Elder & Sister Crabtree, Elder Holdaway, Elder Brown
 Sister Starr at Base
 Elders Brunner, Crabtree, Francom, Billings, Coon - trekking
Sisters Davis, Francom, Pratt, Shepard - painting the wagon
 Sisters Ohm, Haacke, Onstine, Varty -
prepared to take out school groups
 Sisters Minnick & Barrett - painting benches in the campground
Sisters Francom & Brunner painting benches in campground
with 7 Elders in the background building fence.

Monday, May 21, 2012

President Bush at MHHS

We couldn't believe it when President George W. Bush recently came to Mormon Handcart Historic Sites!  We put a missionary badge on him and clicked this photo.

...Just kidding. This is Elder Stockamp who is serving at Willie Sixth Crossing site.  But at first glance, don't you think he looks like President Bush!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Martin's Cove

President Gordon B. Hinckley made this statement about this location.

"We hope that a spirit of peace and reverence and sacred remembrance will hover over this whole area as a beneficent cloud on a hot summer day, and that those who here perished will not have died in vain.  I make a plea, go in a spirit of reverence and respect and know that you are walking on hallowed ground."  (May 3, 1997)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Trail Sites & Scripts

The last few days we've had extensive training at the numerous trail sites that will become our weekly work locations.  There are stories and pioneer experiences that are shared at each location.  Our wonderful trainers (who are here for their 2nd year) took us by "rover" to all these sites and shared the stories that we'll be learning and soon sharing ourselves.  It was a fun and informative day.  Two days later we "trekked" to all these sites and actually walked the trails and Martin's Cove where our youth trekkers and visitors will be walking.  To follow are some photos of these two training days:

Gathering at the "Homestead" for our rover travel training
Receiving instruction at the Sweetwater
Windy Sweetwater crossing
Rovers on the trail
Trekking to the Cove
Missionaries at the base of the Cove
Trekking into the Cove
At the top of the Cove
View across the valley